Entries taken  from the Norton St.Philip Registers      b = baptised    d = buried


Richard                                 =              Elinor Davissone

                                             d 27/10/1674 (the elder) 23/7/1627




                                 Richard                                              =                Jane                       ?Edward ?

                                born  pre 1674                                                c.1680                                             d 12/11/1695

                              d 1/2/1718/19  (Richard Senior)


Richard                   =       Jane Prescott                               Elizabeth                  Henry                         =          Mary  Isles

b 21/1/1682/3     7/12/1706                                     b 2/10/1684             b 21/11/1686           9/10/1711

d 29/10/1718                                                           d 17/1/1699             d 30/5/1740

(Richard Junior)                                                                                          

                                                                                                    Frances           =   Charles Freeman           Richard

                                                                                              b 30/6/1712    4/1733                                   b 6/4/1721



          Edward                =                Lavinia Tovie                  John       Sarah       =        1)John Jones

          b 4/11/1687   26/12/1714      b 11/3/1691/2                b 30/3/1690                      30/5/1710        

          d 30/4/1745                           d  30/6/1763                                                  =        2)Benjamin Berkeley of Bath



                Jane                          =              William Tovie

                b 20/3/1693/4        6/8/1715


Richard                           =              Ann Ditcher of Bath                                        William

b 7/8/1709    26/1/1729/30     b23/7/1710                                                                     b 25/3/1713

d 19/1/1776                                                                                                                   d 24/8/1715



      Elisabeth  = Thomas Bigg                      Jane    =     William Harper     Thomas                   =         Maria Ketelbey

      b 19/10/1730    d.1791                           b 9/6/1732                            b 21/10/1733     30/12/1766    1745-1828


  (later a partner in Rundell Bridge & Rundell)                                                      Edmond Waller Rundell

                                                                                                                                b c1768 (later a partner in     

      John                                    Ann                       Mary                                                       Rundell Bridge & Rundell)

      b 9/2/1734/5                      b 6/2/1735/6            b 9/7/1737                              

      d 13/2/1734/5                                                                                                   

       At  Frome

Sarah                                       Ditcher                     Susannah        =   John Bond                  Richard

b 29/11/1738                           b 16/3/1739`            b 31/3/1741                                                 b 15/5/1743

d 21/4/1740 (N.St.P)                                                            Mary Bond  =      Joseph Neeld


                                                                                                       Joseph Neeld (inherited PR’s fortune)

                                                                                                     1789 - 1856


Eleanora               =          Samuel Goldney    Phillip (Goldsmith)          Francis                   Francis  

b.17/7/1745   12/3/1767    1734-1779            b 8/2/1746/7                            b 24/4/1748            b 16/1/1752

d.29/3/1816                                                     d 17/2/1827 Hendon                d 12/11/1750           d 9/1791 Bengal        


Frances Bennet    Thomas          Samuel Goldney (PR’s apprentice and trustee of  his will)

b 21/3/1768     b 23/2/1769    b 4/12/1770